When trying to obtain an exact height between PCB's for your designs, board to board elevated headers and sockets are great connector solutions. But in some cases, standard products do not always meet the requirements for a design, and a custom board to board connector is required to obtain the correct height and within specification. Here's how we can help.
We’ve been working with a customer who needed a customized stacking header with an extended height but tiny footprint to stack two PCB’s in parallel orientation. We offered an elevated header from our standard board to board connector range which looked like a perfect solution, but was prone to tipping during the solder process. This was a problem magnified by the tiny contact pitch.
To help balance the connector we molded a custom insulator and produced a PCB header with supporting feet. The feet were designed strategically to work around existing components on the PCB, which enabled the customer to avoid a PCB re-design.
The turnaround time on this design took seven to ten days. It was another problem solved with a simple but clever bit of engineering from GCT’s custom connector team. We can offer a wide range of custom PCB header solutions, from simple modifications of existing parts all the way up to a bespoke PCB header solution.
If your PCB header requirement seems out of the ordinary, feel free to speak with us. Our low tooling charges and minimum order quantities might surprise you. Given our many years of expertise creating all kinds of custom board to board solutions, we are confident we can help with your next project.
The turnaround time on this design took seven to ten days. It was another problem solved with a simple but clever bit of engineering from GCT’s custom connector team. We can offer a wide range of custom PCB header solutions, from simple modifications of existing parts all the way up to a bespoke PCB header solution.
If your PCB header requirement seems out of the ordinary, feel free to speak with us. Our low tooling charges and minimum order quantities might surprise you. Given our many years of expertise creating all kinds of custom board to board solutions, we are confident we can help with your next project.