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SIM Card Connectors

GCT's range of SIM card connector products for Nano (4ff), Micro (3ff) and Mini (2ff) SIM cards conform to GSM11.11 standards. Available in push-push, push-pull and hinged card insertion types.

View SIM Connectors by type
SIM connectors are available in the following card insertion types:
  • Push-Push -the SIM card is pushed into place and pushed again to release, ejecting by spring action. Push-Push is often used in consumer applications where users insert and eject SIM cards into a device.
  • Push-Pull -the SIM card is pushed into place and held in place by force of contacts and pulled to remove. Push-Pull is the lowest cost type of SIM connector.
  • Hinged - the connector opens to allow insertion of SIM card, hinged types are useful where a positive lock is required, especially in high vibration environments.
    SIM5060 & 5055 hold the card in place in the hinged cover, for ease of use. To achieve an ultra-low profile, the SIM5051 does not hold the card in place.
  • Dual - Allows two SIM cards to be plugged into one connector. This is a Push-Pull connector type.
View SIM Connectors by size
Defines the SIM card type accepted by the connector. SIM Connectors are available in the following form factors (FF):
  • SIM (aka Mini SIM) (2FF)
  • Micro SIM (3FF)
  • Nano SIM (4FF)
Depending on form factor SIM cards vary in size and thickness, although the contact position layout remains uniform across the card types.
What is a
Nano SIM Connector?
What is a
Micro SIM Connector?
What is a
Mini SIM Connector?
What are the different
card insertion mechanisms?
Tell me about
card detection switch functionality?
How durable are
SIM card connectors?

Nano SIM Connector

Nano (4FF) is the smallest option for SIM connector designs. This is particularly useful for compact devices or when trying to minimise space used on a PCB. GCT's Nano SIM connectors are available in push-pull and hinged format with six contacts. With great features such as card detection and full metal variants for enhanced EMI and heat resistance, GCT Nano SIM card have profile heights consisting of 1.35mm or 1.43mm and all feature card stop functionality.

Nano-SIM or 4FF (4th form factor) cards measure 12.3mm × 8.8mm × 0.67mm while maintaining the existing SIM card contact arrangements. Compared to Micro SIM cards a smaller area of isolating material remains around the contacts, this prevents short circuits with the socket. The 0.67mm thickness of the Nano-SIM card is approximately 15% percent less than Mini/Micro SIM card thickness of 0.76mm. Read more

Micro SIM connector

Micro SIM card connectors are available in push-pull and push-push card eject styles. The sockets allow the use of the 15 x 12mm Micro SIM card, the reduced size card offers the same contact footprint as the full size ‘Mini' SIM card while offering approximately 50% card space saving. GCT Micro SIM connectors are available in 6 & 8 contacts. The card insertion cycles are 1,500 in push-push and 5,000 in push-pull. Read more

Dual SIM Connector

Dual SIM slots allow plugging of two SIM cards into one connector, saving you PCB space and cutting the cost of PCB placement. This enables applications using two GSM accounts in one device. For example, in the vehicle tracking market the connector allows the option of switching between mobile networks when crossing country borders or when a alternative network offers a price or signal quality advantage. In personal handheld applications the connector permits use of 'work' and 'personal' accounts.

Push Push SIM connector

Push Push SIM card connectors for Micro and Mini SIM cards. This card insertion and ejection style includes a mechanism to push out the SIM card, this is perfect for applications where the end user is required to insert and extract the card equipment via a panel cutout.
All options come with a built in SIM card detection switch, shielded metallic case minimizes EMI/EMC interference, gold plated contacts allow for 1,500 or 5,000 card insertion cycles depending on connector design. Read more

Hinged SIM connector

Hinged SIM card connectors are available in three different designs which offer:
  • 6 and 8 contacts.
  • SIM card detection switch options.
  • SIM connector profile heights of 1.80mm, 2.50mm and 2.60mm.
  • Robust hinge slide lock mechanism holds the SIM card securely.
  • Guided housing for card alignment, preventing card mis-insertion.
  • SIM5055 and SIM5060 offer a card guide option to hold the SIM card in the cover to ease assembly.
  • Full-flat flipping cover suitable for any design scenarios.
  • SIM5051 and SIM5055 offer a shielded metallic cover option.
  • Absorption area for automatic pick and place SMT mounting

Push Pull SIM connector

Push Pull SIM card connectors are available in 2 different designs which offer:
  • SIM card detection switch options.
  • Card guide and stops in housing (inside the slot) prevents card misinsertion.
  • Reliable low-friction contacts with 50m Ohm contact resistance only.
  • Gold plated contacts guarantees minimum 5,000 mating / un-mating cycles.
  • Absorption area for automatic pick and place SMT mounting.

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